Cost of living

July 25, 2023
£155k of longer-term funding for vital information and advice services
Organisations based in the Vale of White Horse who provide vital information, advice and outreach services can now apply for up to five years of funding, thanks to a new grant scheme. Vale of White Horse District Council has launched the £154,920 partnership grant to help ensure that information and advice organisations who help people […]

February 22, 2023
Vale’s budget for 2023/24 protects frontline services, funds future-proof projects for climate and communities and helps with the cost-of-living
Careful financial management means Vale of White Horse District Council can continue providing support for local people affected by the cost-of-living crisis and can secure investment in reducing the carbon impact of council-owned buildings like leisure centres. Councillors voted unanimously to approve a budget for 2023/4 that shows a financial position that continues to improve […]

February 14, 2023
Vale sets out a budget for 2023/24 that protects frontline services, funds future-proof projects for climate and communities and helps with the cost-of-living
Careful financial management means Vale of White Horse District Council can continue providing support for local people affected by the cost-of-living crisis and can secure investment in reducing the carbon impact of council-owned buildings like leisure centres. The council’s Cabinet has recommended councillors approve a budget for 2023/4 that shows a financial position that continues […]

January 17, 2023
Help is at hand for people finding it hard to pay for food and energy bills
The Household Support Fund scheme has opened again for people finding it hard to cope with the rising cost of food and energy bills. South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse District Councils have reopened the scheme to help households meet the costs of life’s essentials. The fund is initially open for applications to help […]

December 23, 2022
Vale Cabinet approves changes to car park permits
Car parking permit fees in the Vale of White Horse District are likely to increase slightly, following a decision at a recent Cabinet meeting to raise permit costs by ten per cent, in line with inflation levels. From April 2023, monthly permits to district council car parks will increase by £7 on average, with annual […]

December 23, 2022
Council will tackle food poverty and promote sustainable local production
Taking action on food poverty and making good food available for all will be at the heart of work by Vale of the White Horse District Council to help realise the vision of Oxfordshire’s Food Strategy. The council will work with community, voluntary sector and business partners to develop a detailed local food action plan […]

October 7, 2022
Roundtable seeks to shape collective, countywide response to the cost of living crisis
Support for the most vulnerable and keeping communities strong and resilient was the core focus for Oxfordshire leaders as they met on Thursday 6 October for a cost of living online roundtable event. Organisations that work closely with residents were among those joining Oxfordshire’s six councils at the roundtable, which sought to identify gaps in […]