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  • Wednesday 11 September: WARNING! We’ve been made aware some people in our district have received text messages about having to pay a parking fine. These are SCAMS – we would not send these messages. If you receive one please ignore this message. −

Building work starts on affordable extra care housing on Great Western Park

The construction of 80 new affordable extra care homes got underway earlier this month thanks to support from Vale of White Horse District Council.

The new purpose-built apartments on Great Western Park in Didcot were made possible thanks to £2.9 million of funding from the Oxfordshire Housing and Growth Deal and support from the district council. 

Photo is of (L-R): Cllr Emily Smith, Cllr Judy Roberts, Stephen Chandler, Corporate Director of Adult and Housing Services, Oxfordshire County Council and Cllr Jenny Hannaby, Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care at Oxfordshire County Council and Vale of White Horse District Councillor.

The apartments will be fitted out for older people to help them live independently in their own home, with care staff on hand to provide any extra support they may need.

Once complete, housing provider Housing 21 will look after the affordable homes with 60 rented and 20 shared ownership apartments for people aged over 55.  The development, being built in the Vale of White Horse district, is near to local facilities and helps contribute towards the growth deal’s affordable housing targets. 

The Cabinet at Vale of White Horse District Council gave its support to the project and has been looking after the scheme by providing grant payments on behalf of the growth deal, and has continued to make sure the project is delivered in accordance with their requirements.

Cllr Judy Roberts, Cabinet Member Development and Infrastructure at the Vale of White Horse District Council, said, “We’re delighted that we’ve been able to help bring new 80 affordable extra care apartments to our district.  These new homes will be able to give residents their own independence whilst having the security of any ongoing support they may need.”

Cllr Emily Smith, Leader of the Vale of White Horse District Council, said, “It has been exciting to play our part in helping to provide the homes that people need – one of our main corporate aims for the council.  The homes are being built in the right location too, on their doorstep will they’ll be able to access local shops, services and community facilities.”

The Oxfordshire Housing and Growth Deal is an agreement between Oxfordshire councils, Oxfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership and the government to facilitate, accelerate and enhance the delivery of major infrastructure and housing in Oxfordshire.

As part of the £215m Oxfordshire Housing and Growth Deal, £60m of funding was allocated to support a county-wide affordable housing programme that will help deliver at least 1,320 affordable homes, including rent to buy, shared ownership, and homes for affordable and social rent.