Still time to have say on issues affecting South Oxfordshire and the Vale
There’s still time for people to give their views on the issues affecting our districts as part of a new Joint Local Plan.
People have been using a new interactive website to have their say on topics such as tackling the climate emergency, sustainable transport, affordable housing, high-tech jobs, and the future of our town centres.
The responses will help shape a new Joint Local Plan for South Oxfordshire and the Vale of White Horse.
The two district councils will use the plan to guide what kinds of new housing, infrastructure, jobs, green spaces and transport are needed and where they should go.
Councillor Debby Hallett, Vale of White Horse District Council cabinet member for corporate services and transformation, said: “I’d encourage anyone who hasn’t already explored our new interactive local plan consultation to have a look – it’s been designed to be easy to view on mobile phones and you can click to give your feedback on the issues we hope it will help tackle. Or if you prefer to see a more traditional document you can also view a paper copy at your local library”.
Councillor Anne-Marie Simpson, South Oxfordshire District Council cabinet member for planning, added: “This is your chance to have your say on important issues such as tackling the climate emergency, which is a priority for both councils.
“I’d especially encourage those who perhaps haven’t responded to a consultation before to visit the interactive website – you may be surprised how engaging it is!”
This consultation is the first stage – the public will be able to have its say throughout the process – with the final draft Join Local Plan going for examination by a Government planning inspector before being put before councillors for adoption, which is expected to happen in 2024.
Anyone wishing to take part in the consultation can visit our interactive Joint Local Plan consultation website.
The consultation runs until 23 June 2022. Once finished, the councils will collate all the responses and produce a summary of responses that will help shape the next phase of the plan-making process when options will be considered to address the issues raised in this consultation.
You can find out more on our Joint Local Plan webpage.