Recycling – helping you to get it right
You are among the best recyclers in the country however, despite everyone’s best intentions, every week thousands of the wrong items still end up in our recycling bins by mistake.
When this happens it can be very difficult to remove them and, if it’s food waste or other messy items then it could result in whole truck loads of recycling being rejected.
Here are just some of the things people wrongly put in their recycling:
Problem item | Where they should go |
food waste | always in your food waste bin |
soft plastic packaging (such as film lids from food cartons, salad bags and cling film) | your local supermarket may have a collection point, if not then please put them in your general waste bin |
used sanitary products | general waste bin |
used tissues | general waste bin |
old unwearable clothes | in a tied carrier bag next to your green recycling bin |
batteries | in a clear bag on top of your green recycling bin |
small electricals (including disposable vapes) | in a tied carrier bag next to your black bin |
empty crisp packets | your local supermarket may have a collection point, if not then please put them in your general waste bin |
Even if the label says that something can be recycled, you should still check to make sure – recycling labels on packaging are often incorrect and we may not be able to recycle that item locally.
And remember – all items that go in your recycling bin must be clean, dry and loose.
We all need an occasional reminder to ensure we get it right, so please Check it before you chuck it!
To check about individual items you can use our BINZONE service.
Alternatively, you can find out more about how to get it right by visiting our what goes in which bin page
Contact us - Biffa
03000 610610
(Text phone users add 18001 before dialing)
c/o Vale of White Horse District Council
Abbey House
Abbey Close
OX14 3JE