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  • Friday 17 January: We are currently experiencing some issues with emails so it may take staff and councillors a little longer than normal to respond − sorry for any inconvenience.

Community support and engagement reports

Each report title takes you to the webpage where this information is published. Please email if you cannot find what you are looking for.

CCTV reports – half yearly reports with information about the way we use CCTV to support our residents and businesses.

Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) spending reports – an annual summary of how developer contributions are secured, received, and spent for new developments in the local area and how we intend to allocate our CIL funds.

Community triggers data – a summary of community trigger applications received and their outcomes.

Grant awards made to date – a list of grants we’ve allocated to the community and voluntary sector.

Public health burial information – this information is updated as soon as possible after a funeral, and includes basic details of all public health burials arranged by us in the last seven years.

Successfully nominated assets of community value – we are required to maintain a list of assets successfully nominated by community groups.

Unsuccessfully nominated assets of community value – we are required to maintain a list of assets unsuccessfully nominated by community groups.