Your black general waste bin
We can’t currently recycle the items outlined below with our kerbside collections. Please put them in your black bin. We don’t put this rubbish into landfill. We take this rubbish to Ardley near Bicester, where it’s burned to generate electricity to power over 60,000 homes across Oxfordshire. For more information watch this video that the facility have created showing what happens to black bin rubbish.
Plastic we can’t recycle
Soft plastics including
- Clear film used to wrap meat and fish
- Film from the tops of plastic trays
- Crisp packets
- Fruit, veg and salad bags
- Sweet wrappers
- Bread bags
- Plastic bags
- Plastic pouches for pet food and baby food
Please take these to supermarkets who collect them for recycling. More on our soft plastics page.
Other plastics we cannot recycle
- Black bags
- Hard plastic items such as coat hangers, lunch boxes and children’s toys – if these are in good condition, consider taking them to a charity shop
- Polystyrene
Paper and card we can’t recycle
- Kitchen roll
- Tissues
- Toilet paper
- Photographs
Glass we can’t recycle
- Window panes
- Glass cookware or Pyrex
- Spectacle lenses
- Broken drinks glasses
Metal we can’t recycle
- Metal coat hangers
- Picture wire
- Kitchen knives
- Pots and pans
Related information
External links
Contact us - Biffa
03000 610610
(Text phone users add 18001 before dialing)
c/o Vale of White Horse District Council
Abbey House
Abbey Close
OX14 3JE