
June 21, 2023
Ukrainian housing officer Olha now helping others find their feet
Supporting Refugee Week, Olha, who works as part of South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse district councils’ Ukraine Support, shares her experience leaving Ukraine, arriving in the UK, finding work and accommodation, and settling in her family to life in the UK. Olha arrived in the UK in May 2022 and came to the […]

October 18, 2022
Council votes to oppose fracking in the area
Making a clear anti-fracking stand, Vale of White Horse District Council has voted to resist any exploration of fracking in the district. Whilst there is no direct threat that fracking will take place in the district as no viable deposits of shale gas have been identified in or around Vale of White Horse at this […]

September 22, 2022
Join the free family fun at The Beacon’s Open Day
Everyone is invited to join The Beacon’s open day on Sunday 2 October for an afternoon of free fun for all – plus a taste of the different events and activities regularly on offer at the Wantage landmark building. Martial arts experts and dance class teachers will be demonstrating what goes on in their weekly […]

June 27, 2022
More help for people to pay food and energy bills
More help is on the way for people who are struggling to pay their food, energy and other related bills. Vale of White Horse and South Oxfordshire district councils have opened a voucher scheme to support households who can’t afford to pay for life’s essentials. The scheme is part of the Government’s Household Support Fund […]

March 4, 2022
Support for Ukraine
Find out about the government’s local sponsorship scheme and other support.

December 6, 2021
New vouchers will help people with winter essentials
Help is at hand this winter for people who may struggle to pay for heating, food or other essentials – thanks to a new voucher scheme that has launched in South Oxfordshire and Vale of the White Horse. The new, targeted programme set up by South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse District Councils will […]

September 10, 2021
Supporting Afghan refugees
As the heartbreaking events continue to unfold in Afghanistan, we’re working together as part of a co-ordinated response effort with Oxfordshire County Council and health and charity partners, to help find suitable accommodation and ensure families and individuals have access to ongoing mental health support, education, food, medicine, and other vital services For individuals who […]

June 18, 2021
District councils approve a revised management structure to provide stability to residents
Vale of White Horse and South Oxfordshire district councils have made their interim senior management team structure permanent to help provide a firm and stable base from which they can deliver their corporate plan priorities and services to residents. The decision formalises the structure that has been operating successfully at the councils for many months and […]

June 14, 2021
The Beacon to open again to the public
Vale of White Horse District Council is pleased to announce that it plans to open The Beacon arts and community centre in Wantage to the public again from 6 September. The Beacon, owned and run by the district council, will open in September following the news that it will no longer be needed as a […]

May 21, 2021
District councils help local businesses reopen and welcome back customers safely
Residents in southern Oxfordshire are being urged to enjoy the easing of restrictions safely with new messaging they’ll see while out and about from their district councils. The government is warning the public to remain cautious as restrictions ease amidst concerns about the Indian variant of Covid-19, and so South Oxfordshire and Vale of White […]