Thames Water South East Strategic Reservoir Option (SESRO)
Thames Water is proposing a new large reservoir on land west of the A34, Abingdon.
The proposal is considered a ‘Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project’, which means it will be determined by a government appointed Planning Inspector – a brief summary of the process is as follows.
- The applicant is first required to consult with a range of people including the local community and relevant public authorities – formal consultation is anticipated to take place in 2025– there’s more information at https://thames-wrmp.co.uk/projects/sesro
- After this, they can submit the application and a government appointed planning inspector will determine if the application is suitable to go forward to a public examination.
- Should that be successful, the planning inspector will hear the views of interested parties, which can include members of the community, and then will go away to consider and examine all the details.
- The planning inspector then prepares a report and recommendation for the Secretary of State who then decides whether to grant or refuse permission.
The full process is explained here on the government’s website.
Current status
The proposal is in the pre-application phase. This is the first of the six phases of an NSIP planning application.
To date, officers and councillors have engaged with the developer team to discuss technical matters to be assessed and as part of the pre-application process have formally responded to:
• Thames Water’s informal consultation held in August 2024. View the council’s response here.
• The Environmental Impact Assessment Scoping Opinion consultation from the Planning Inspectorate in September 2024.
Recent publications
- 3 December 2024: Southern Water Draft Water Resources Management Plan Consultation – Vale of White Horse response.
- 22 November 2024: Cllr Thomas wrote a further letter to the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs requesting a meeting to discuss the proposed South East Strategic Reservoir (SESRO).
- 8 October 2024: Scoping Opinion adopted by the Inspectorate on behalf of the Secretary of State.
- 2 October 2024: Emma Hardy MP, Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs wrote to Cllr Thomas in response to the letters of 25 July and 6 September.
- 6 September 2024: Cllr Thomas wrote a further letter to the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs following the news that Thames Water’s Water Resources Management Plan 2024 has been approved.
- 23 August 2024: Vale response to Southeast Strategic Reservoir Option (SESRO) Summer 2024 consultation
- 25 July 2024: Cllr Thomas wrote a letter expressing concerns about Thames Water with a briefing note attached, to the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. The briefing note was also shared with Oxfordshire MPs, Layla Moran, Olly Glover and Charlie Maynard.
- 11 April 2024: Robbie Moore MP responded to Cllr Thomas’s letter of 14 February on the South east Strategic Reservoir Option.
- 14 February 2024: Cllr Thomas wrote a letter to the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs raising concerns over the proposed reservoir in the district.
- 25 September 2023: Thames Water responded to the letter from Cllr Thomas of 21 September.
- 21 September 2023: Cllr Thomas wrote to Thames Water regarding the draft Water Resources Management Plan 2024 (WRMP24).
Press releases
- 4 September 2024: Leader’s Statement: South East Strategic Reservoir Option (SESRO)
- 23 August 2024: Council submits response to Thames Water reservoir consultation
- 11 July 2024: Council encourages people to take part in Thames Water reservoir consultation
Background information
The scale of the proposal means it will not be considered by the district council through the normal planning application process, but instead is considered a Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project (NSIP).
NSIPs are large scale projects falling into five general categories (energy; transport; water; wastewater and waste) which are considered by the government to be so big and nationally important that permission to build them needs to be given at a national level, by the government, rather than by the local authorities.
Instead of applying to the local authority for planning permission, the developer must apply to the Planning Inspectorate for a different permission called a Development Consent Order (DCO).
The developer is responsible for setting the timetable and consultation process for this project.
The district council does not make the final decision on the proposal but will be closely involved in the decision making and examination process.
Because of the scale of NSIPs, the process has many stages and can seem complicated. The planning inspectorate has a useful video which describes the different stages of the Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project planning process.
Further information
You can find further information on the developer’s project website.
We will have a number of responsibilities throughout the decision-making process, including the preparation of a Local Impact report. This will consider the local impacts of the reservoir on the local environment.
Any guidance notes and briefing notes along with this web page will be updated as more information becomes available.
Contact us - Planning
01235 422600
(Text phone users add 18001 before dialing)
Vale of White Horse District Council
Abbey House
Abbey Close
OX14 3JE