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Gavin Walton

February 13, 2020

Leader’s Report to Full Council – Wednesday 12 February 2020

Work on the budget has dominated my cabinet’s time over the past few weeks, and I am proud of how much they and senior officers have achieved in such uncertain times. Despite the extremely tight financial situation we inherited, we have this evening agreed a budget that enables us to start work on a brand-new […]

February 5, 2020

Climate Emergency Advisory Committee agrees plan of action

Vale of White Horse District Council’s Climate Emergency Advisory Committee (CEAC) met on 28 January to recommend new schemes for the council to tackle climate change. The committee recommended a one-year programme of actions to begin the journey to a carbon neutral council by 2030 and a carbon neutral district by 2045.  The programme included: […]

February 5, 2020

Changes to support Vale residents on low income given the go ahead

More than 430 people on low income in the Vale of White Horse will receive additional support to help them pay their council tax. At its meeting on Monday 3 February Vale of White Horse District Council’s Cabinet approved three amendments to its Council Tax Reduction scheme which could benefit people of working age who receive […]

February 3, 2020

Robust action helps to ensure the Vale will receive more than £14,000 in unpaid tax

Robust action taken by Vale of White Horse District Council tax is helping to ensure that more than £14,000 will be recovered people who have failed to pay their council tax. On Monday 27 January the council successfully took criminal proceedings against nine individuals at Oxford Magistrates Court after they had failed to provide legally […]